Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sharing Web Resources Week 4

After visiting both of my websites I had previously picked which were UNICEF and Head Start, there is a lot of interesting information to learn from. For example, one of the issues affecting many Head Start programs are budget cuts due to the Sequestration. Many programs are being forced to close centers where others will work their budget to where it does not affect the children and families but will affect their staff, meaning lay off. In Billings Montana a center director faces this same challenges, not only lay off but increase class sizes. Rogers (2013) also talks about the necessity of programs such as Head Start are so important for the children where finding a quality care program in very limited.

Issues like this one are being found all over the country, maybe more than others. Laying off teachers because they can;t pay them not to mention some programs might be looking at cutting pay even benefits. In my opinion, is the wrong thing to do as we have read on the economist and politicians focusing on investing in  Early Care but yet programs which do that are getting cut, it does not make sense.

For example, in the Head Start program I used to work for due to the sequestration, they closed a center and started taking out money away from the teacher's salaries. Needless to say, a teacher assistant brings home less than one thousand dollars a month since this past February. Issues like these affect the program outcomes, quality and performances. Teachers in this program have started to make parents know what is going on by letting them know the importance of making their voices heard. Many past and present families have been proactive with this cause and respond has been overwhelming. I, also have started doing the same with the families at my center. Our goal is to create a parent group who are willing to speak and write to our politicians about their positive results because of Head Start.


Rogers R. (2013). Billings Head Start grapples with sequestration cuts. Retrieved from



  1. Ana...Kudos to you for getting your families involved in voicing concerns about sequestration. We have also had to make budget cuts in our program. We closed a classroom and reduced 3 teachers, one aide, a bus driver and a cook. We also had to change our two full year Head Start classrooms to part year classrooms. This reduced our enrollment of Head Start children by 38. I agree that this is not healthy or good for children.

  2. Hi Ana, It is great that you are still supporting the Head Start program even though you are no longer there. It is a sad situation when the cuts being made are where there is most value and gain to be made for the children and families. I think the sequestration should be used to get rid of some of those who are not fulfilling their positions. This is not the time to make cuts from areas that show true promise and have such impact on lives and the future. Involving the parents is a great idea. Not only is it more effective sometimes for politicians to hear from actual families impacted, but it gives the families a sense of their power to use their voice and be heard also. I enjoyed reading your post as always. Cindy Ferguson

  3. Cindy I was reviewing April post's and decided to call one of friend who is also a Center Director along with doing some search on-line...needless to say there is already some talk about some of the head start programs on the eastern shore closing down. If this proves to be true, I know that this will effect many parents as they are not in a position to pay for child care expenses. On the other hand, this may mean that our child care center can expands its services and qualify for certain financial assistance. We shall see.

  4. Hi Rachel, It seems there are always trade offs and that is a shame that it impacts so many families and children. Will you be able to expand your services to help many that may be displaced if it happens? Cindy

  5. I work for a Head Start program and due to a budget cut everyone will not have the opportunity to come back for the upcoming school year. The agency is going to decrease the number of Head Start teachers and assistants and increase the number of Early Head Start lead teachers and assistants. The agency stated that their majority of the money was given to Early Head Start and not Head Start. Therefore, I understand just what you are talking about regarding budget cuts.

  6. Hi Ana,

    I agree I think it is awesome you are supporting the head start program even while you are no longer there, I think you deserve kudos!!! It is sad that there has to be cuts on programs which a proven to be valuable and needed.
