I must say, it was hard to pick one of my subtopics because each one of them is important within the field of early childhood. Therefore, I decided to further my research journey in "How home environments can impact a child's emotional development". As professionals we know a child's behavior can be the outcome from what goes on in their homes. During my years of working with children and their families especially learning about their home environments, I have seen and learned a lot of how children's environments can play a roll on how they behave outside their homes. I have worked with many types of families and environments which plants a seed of searching further information which can help teachers better understand the children and their families as well.

During my chart construction, I was able to understand much more about words which were unfamiliar with me. It has been a great process for me to get better acquaintance with the research process.
To all my classmates, any help of advice in this process, I am open to hear from you all!! Thank you in advance for your replies and suggestions.
Children home environment can impact their emotional development and behavior in the school setting. Therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to communicate and share important information about the child. When both parties have the best interest for the child, their educational journey will be a positive outcome.