What is Culture to you?
These are the questions asked to three acquaintances and here are their following responses:
The first person said that culture for her was the food, traditions, music, values, beliefs from her place of origin. She defined diversity as differences among people.
The second person referred to culture as something every individual or family has. Families have their own culture within a culture. Diversity was referred to as group of people with different backgrounds.
The third person referred to culture and diversity together saying that when she came over to the US, she found herself in a not much diverse place, in other words there were not many like her therefore she felt as an outsider. She brought her culture with her meaning her traditions, values, morals, beliefs and language. For her that was her representation of culture.
By doing this assignment it was interesting to see the reactions to my questions of what they thought about culture and diversity were, as if I was asking something out of the ordinary. Reflecting in their answers , it just validates how superficial culture can be defined as. Whereas Diversity was also just generally referred as differences of people's ethnic backgrounds.
How interesting would it had been if the questions would be, What do you think about other cultures in general? I wonder what answers I would have received.
Hi Ana, I enjoyed reading the Reponses that you got. Culture and diversity I think are always going to be different depending on who you ask. The more diverse the group, the more diverse answers you get. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting the first person you asked really defined culture related to surface culture. The second person saw culture from a more individualized perspective. I was interesting to hear different peoples perspectives.